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Banking with us leads to real savings

Member households can save up to $2,619 per year by banking with us!*

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Our Members save more.

Our Member households save between $421-$2,619 per year compared to banking with other California banks.* Members using the Credit Union for more services often receive total financial benefits that are much greater than the average. For example, financing a $30,000 new auto for 60 months at LBS Financial will save Members an average of $168 per year in interest expense compared to what they would pay another banking institution in the state. That’s approximately $840 in savings over 5 years.

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*Data from independent third-party research conducted by Credit Union National Association (CUNA) using LBS Financial’s rates and fees as of 6/14/2024 compared with an average of all banks in the State of California. $421 is an average of savings among all Members while $2,619 represents loyal, high-use Member households.